Not all storage methods, which are impossible to take your eyes off in Pinterest, are convenient in practice for storage. In fact, not so many closets are needed. It’s enough to have everything at hand. Find out SONGMICS life hacks for storing things.
How to sort things and get rid of unnecessary stuff
Before organizing storage, it is worth sorting out things and finding unnecessary ones among them. To do this, take everything out of the closets and put it into four categories.
For example, there are jeans and T-shirts, cups and plates that you have in constant use. These items should be in the immediate access, so put them in the closet last.
There are things that you use sometimes. They are clothes for going out or a baking dish that you take out on occasion. Put these things a little further, but still do not shove them into the far corner.
There are seasonal and situational things — for example, a winter down jacket, seasonal shoes, a puncher and a set of screwdrivers. Put such things on the top shelves and be sure to sign them so that it is easier to search.
It remains to talk about things that you don’t use at all. For example, clothes that you haven’t worn for more than a year, a chipped cup that you’d hate to throw away, baking pots that have been standing unopened since the moment of purchase.
It is better to give these things away, sell them or throw them away, as they take up useful space in closets. If for some reason this is not possible, it is better to put them in opaque signed boxes and put them in the farthest corner.
After that, you can put things back in place. The basic principle is as follows: what is needed more often should lie closer, and what is less common is removed higher or deeper into the closet. And in order to find and use things more conveniently, you can store them in special storage systems based on cube storage organizer.
Photo by Nathan Van Egmond on Unsplash